The National nuclear Regulator which reports to the Minister of Energy was established and is governed in terms of the National Nuclear Regulator Act, Act No. 47 of 1999 which came into effect on February 2000.
The NNR is responsible for exercising regulatory control over the safety of nuclear installations, certain types of radioactive waste, irradiated nuclear fuel and the mining and processing of radioactive material. It is also responsible for the protection of persons (workers and members of the public), environment and property from the harmful effects arising from ionising radiation produced by radioactive material.
Government has established a legal framework to manage radioactive waste as set out in the new Nuclear Energy Act, No. 46 of 1999, which commenced on 24 February 2000 and which place the responsibility with government. The Radioactive waste Management Policy and Strategy for South Africa was approved in 2005. Following the approval of the Policy, the National Committee on Radioactive Waste Management was established in 2006. This is a committee of government that will oversee the implementation of the policy and strategy. The National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute Act, Act 53 of 2008 was promulgated in January 2009.
The Department of Energy is also responsible for nuclear disaster management as required by the Disaster Management Act, Act No.57 of 2002, which is administered by the Department of Provincial and Local Government.